Order no. 136/26.02.2009 issued by the Minister of Environment for the approval of the Operational Manual of the “Integrated Nutrient Pollution Control” Project Management Unit.
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Common Order no. 1.552/03.12.2008/743/12.12.2008 issued by the minister of environment and sustainable development and the minister of agriculture and rural development for the approval of the localities list by counties where nitrates from agricultural sources exist
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Government Decision no. 210/28.02.2007 for the amendment of the legislation that transpose the environmental acquis
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Order no. 1.387/31.12.2006, issued by the minister of environment and water management for the approval of the public participation procedure in the development, amendment or revision of the Action Programs for nitrate vulnerable zones.
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Common Order no.1182/20.11.2005/1270/30.11.2005 issued by the minister of environment and water management and the minister of agriculture, forests and rural development for the approval of the Code of Good Agricultural Practices for water protection against nitrate pollution from agricultural sources
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Government Decision no. 1.360/10.11.2005 for the amendment of the Government Decision no. 964/2000 for the approval of the Action Plan for water protection against nitrate pollution from agricultural sources
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Common Order no. 296/11.04.2005/216/13.04.2005 issued by the minister of environment and water management and the minister of agriculture, forests and rural development for the approval of the Technical Action Framework Program for the development of the action programs in nitrate vulnerable zones
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Common Order no. 242/26.03.2005/197/07.04.2005 issued by the minister of environment and water management and the minister of agriculture, forests and rural development for the approval of the National System for soil integrated monitoring, supervision, control and decision to reduce the nitrate pollution from agricultural sources and for livestock organic waste management in nitrate vulnerable zones and nitrate potential vulnerable zones and for the approval of the Organization Program for the National System for soil integrated monitoring, supervision, control and decision to reduce the nitrate pollution from agricultural sources and for livestock organic waste management in nitrate vulnerable zones and nitrate potential vulnerable zones
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Common Order no. 241/26.03.2005/196/07.04.2005 issued by the minister of environment and water management and the minister of agriculture, forests and rural development for the approval of the localities list by counties where nitrates from agricultural sources exist and of the localities list by basins/catchment areas where nitrates from agricultural sources exist
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Order no. 1072/19.12.2003 issued by the minister of agriculture, forests, water and environment for the approval of the integrated national support monitoring for supervision, control and decisions to reduce the water and groundwater pollution from agricultural sources and for the approval of the supervision and control Program and the monitoring data evaluation procedures and instructions of the pollutants from agricultural sources discharged in water and groundwater
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Government Decision no. 964/13.10.2000 for the approval of the Action Plan for water protection against nitrate pollution from agricultural sources
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