Additional Financing - 2017 - 2022: Project Management (4 MIL. EURO)

The project is implemented by the Project Management Unit (PMU-INPCP) established within the Ministry of Waters and Forests. The Water Basin Authority in each of the eleven river basins assigned during INPCP OL one or two dedicated staff for supervising and coordinating the implementation of project activities at the commune level.  The Water Basin Authority provides office space and training facility; under the INPCP OL, the project provided necessary equipment and vehicles.  During the INPCP AF the collaboration agreement with ANAR will be updated to reflect the support for the implementation of this part of the project as well. Other agencies that may be needed to implement component activities may be hired on a contractual basis as needed. Ministry of Waters and Forests (MWF) is the line ministry responsible for the overall implementation of the project. The current Inter-Ministerial Committee for Nitrates, chaired by the Ministry of Waters and Forests will provide overall guidance for and oversight of project activities.


Report on the IBRD loan account of the Ministry of Waters and Forests for the period April 13th 2017 to December 31 2017:


Initial Project - 2008 - 2017: Project Management (5.6 MIL. EURO)

The Project was implemented by the Project Management Unit (INPC-PMU) set up within the Ministry of Environment. Each of the Water Basin Directorate provided logistic and staff support, for supervising and coordinating the implementation of the project activities at the commune level. The project provided the necessary equipment and vehicles. 

The Ministry of Environment was the line ministry responsible for the overall implementation of the project and, later, The Ministry of Waters and Forests took over. The Inter-ministerial Committee for the Application of the Nitrates Directive, chaired by the Ministry of Environment, provided overall guidance for the project activities.

The project covered all additional investment costs including equipment, vehicles and staff training, PMU salaries (water basin staff financed by NARW – ANAR), FMI software, rehabilitation of PMU offices, incremental operating costs during the Project's implementation. Incremental operating costs included office rent and utilities, office maintenance and supplies, vehicle fuel and maintenance, the cost of field trips and per diems for staff away from their base and bid advertisements.