Request for Expressions of Interest for Consulting services for the revision of the “Code of good agricultural practices for water protection against pollution with nitrates from agricultural sources” and of the “Action Program for the Water Protection against Pollution with Nitrates from Agricultural Sources” (04/CQ/2018)

Ministry of Waters and Forests has received financing from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development toward the project “Integrated Nutrient Pollution Control – Additional Financing” and intends to apply a portion of the funds to eligible payments under the contract for Consulting services for the revision of the “Code of good agricultural practices for water protection against pollution with nitrates from agricultural sources” and of the “Action Program for the Water Protection against Pollution with Nitrates from Agricultural Sources” (04/CQ/2018)

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Amendament nr. 1_prelungire depunere EoI_04.CQ.2018 – Published today, 6th of March, 2018

RequestforEoIs_TA_revision of Code of good agriculture practices

Termeni de referinta_Revizuirea Codului de bune practici agricole


Published today, 16th of February 2018